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Auditioning for Mountview, BA Musical Theatre.

Updated: May 6, 2020

Hi again, here is a little blog about what to expect from your Mountview MT audition. I auditioned 4/5 years ago now so things may have changed but I can share what I know. I studied at Mountview 2015/16 on the foundation course.

When I auditioned Mountview was still in it's old home in the lovely Wood green, North London. It has since moved to a shiny new school in Peckham and the facilities do look incredible.

In my first year of auditioning for MV, the process worked like this:

You turn up on the day and are given a badge to attach to your clothes with a number on it. I think the audition works on a rotation system and you are split into groups. I did my speeches first, in a room with one person on the panel, however everybody else in my group were also in the room and watching. We were told to pick one speech to perform. We had prepared one classical and one contemporary and I chose to do my classical. The singing worked the same, one person on the panel, you watch everybody and this time I didn't get to choose which song I sang. Be prepared that they may not want to hear your whole song if you haven't made a cut. Next was the dance call. Now, when I auditioned you could place yourself in a group judging yourself on your dance experience. So there was a dance call for the more experienced dancers and then a dance call for the lesser so. I put myself in the less experienced group and I am so glad I did that. Lot's of people second guess this, they think that the panel may think you've taken the easy option but I couldn't disagree more. For me, someone who wasn't a technical dancer and didn't attend dance classes, this group was perfect as the routine and exercises were challenging but not so much that it would inhibit me and I wouldn't be able to perform. I remember this dance call so vividly because it was the hottest I've ever been in my whole life. They had the radiators on full blast and the windows were completely steamed up. I definitely felt like they were testing stamina and resilience as well as dance potential.

After you've finished you wait all together in a room for what seems like eternity. Finally someone will come in and read out the numbers of the people who have been recalled. Now they do this numerically so if you are number 24 and she's just skipped from 16 to 42 it is unlikely that you would have been recalled. On my day, one person out of 60 something got a recall for the BA and myself along with 3 others were recalled for the foundation. They explained that they could see we had the potential but we lacked in previous training which is completely true so they wanted to offer their shorter course to train us up to take on the degree after.

Which is exactly what I ended up doing! I will write another blog on my year at Mountview going into more detail about what that was like.

My second year of auditioning for their BA was slightly different obviously because I was already a student on another course there, so things were done a little differently. All of the people in my year auditioned on the same day for the head of the course. We did our speeches and songs and our dance points were graded throughout the year I think. Then if we were recalled we joined the other auditionees on the official recall weekend in April. The first round of the recall was on the Friday. I remember there being a vigorous dance call that I found difficult. There was also a list of songs they sent out and you had to choose one. If you chose from the contemporary list your other own choice song had to be legit and vice versa. They asked to hear one of your songs acapella and you could choose which one. At the end of that day people were cut. If you got through, the next round was on the Sunday. We had to do a Ballet class and also when we did our speeches for the head of the school we also had to sight read an excerpt of Harry Potter. Then there was a talk from the second year students that were helping and from the head of the course and you found out if you got a place the next day over the phone. I ended up getting a place on the BA Acting at MV and a reserve place for the MT course.

Blog to come on my time at Mountview.

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